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Gillespie Entry Form 2025

  • Please answer all the questions below completely and to the best of your ability. Entries for the Gillespie Business Plan Competition are due by 11:59 PM on March 28th, 2024. Priority deadline: March 8th. Be sure to check out the rules if you have any questions.
  • First NameLast Name 
  • The 9 digit number exactly as it appears on your UM student ID. It will begin with 010
  • We love people from outside the business school, and we’re curious where you’re from.
  • Put N/A if you developed this on your own. This is not a question about intellectual property rights. We just want to send a thank you note.
    The competition might extend into the morning if we have a lot of entries and we need students to be flexible with their calendars. We will notify you with ample time to work out your schedule.
  • Create a 1-min. video pitching your idea. Convince the judges that your idea is the best. Convey information about the problem you’re solving, how you are solving it and who your customer are. Don’t try to explain everything – get people excited for your idea. The one minute pitch is just to get you started.

    You (and one other teammate if appropriate) are the only things allowed in frames. Props, dressing up, gizmos are welcome but NO POWERPOINTS.

    Upload your video to YouTube (if you want to keep your video hidden mark it as “unlisted” NOT “private”) and submit your YouTube link below.

  • Quickly describe your business idea in 2-3 sentences
  • Scholarships

    Click all that apply. Formally stated requirements for each of the scholarships available through the CIE are available in the programs area of this website.
  • Max. file size: 20 MB.