Ole Miss Entrepreneurship Society

Student Organization

Ole Miss Entrepreneurship Society


The Ole Miss Entrepreneurship Society is a student organization focusing on promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship across campus.  

The Ole Miss Entrepreneurship Society was once affiliated with the Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization. If any student would like us to re-affiliate, we are happy to consider it.


Interested students can join the club by just attending the next meeting which is listed on the CIE’s event calendar. The university also operates a system to keep in touch through the Forum, that may be used to contact and stay connected with the club as well.

Membership is open to any Ole Miss student regardless of their course of study. The club generally meets twice a month and hosts outside speakers and holds meetings devoted to improving pitch technique, discussing a topic, idea generation, or business model development. Entrepreneurship is a process and a successful student organization helps every student learn that process.

Ms. Caitlin Moak is their faculty adviser. Interested students can contact her at cmoak@bus.olemiss.edu.

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